Game Guide

Ingredient Items

Adamantite Dust Adamantite Dust Adamantite Ingot Adamantite Ingot Adamantite Ore Adamantite Ore Agar Agar Anchovy Meat Anchovy Meat Apple Apple Arugula Arugula Avocado Avocado Banshee Pepper Banshee Pepper Barracuda Meat Barracuda Meat Basil Basil Bass Meat Bass Meat Blackberry Blackberry Black Lotus Leaf Black Lotus Leaf Black Lotus Petal Black Lotus Petal Black Truffle Black Truffle Bloodstone Dust Bloodstone Dust Bloodstone Ingot Bloodstone Ingot Bloodstone Ore Bloodstone Ore Bloomroot Bloomroot Blueberry Blueberry Bluegill Meat Bluegill Meat Blushpetal Blushpetal Bream Meat Bream Meat Bullhead Meat Bullhead Meat Butter Butter Cabbage Cabbage Carp Meat Carp Meat Carrot Carrot Catfish Meat Catfish Meat Chive Chive Cilantro Cilantro Cinnamon Cinnamon Cocoa Bean Cocoa Bean Cocoa Powder Cocoa Powder Cod Meat Cod Meat Copper Dust Copper Dust Copper Ingot Copper Ingot Copper Ore Copper Ore Corn Corn Cornflour Cornflour Cranberry Cranberry Cucumber Cucumber Dragonfly Dragonfly Dragonstone Dust Dragonstone Dust Dragonstone Ingot Dragonstone Ingot Dragonstone Ore Dragonstone Ore Dragon Tree Bark Dragon Tree Bark Dragon Tree Leaf Dragon Tree Leaf Dragon Tree Sap Dragon Tree Sap Eel Meat Eel Meat Flounder Meat Flounder Meat Flour Flour Frog Tree Leaf Frog Tree Leaf Garlic Garlic Garlic Powder Garlic Powder Ginger Ginger Glowing Ember Glowing Ember Gold Dust Gold Dust Gold Ingot Gold Ingot Gold Ore Gold Ore Grape Grape Grasshopper Grasshopper Habanero Habanero Haddock Meat Haddock Meat Heart of the Forest Heart of the Forest Herring Meat Herring Meat Honey Honey Hops Hops Iron Dust Iron Dust Iron Ingot Iron Ingot Iron Ore Iron Ore Jalapeno Jalapeno Kale Kale Lemon Lemon Lettuce Lettuce Licorice Root Licorice Root Lifebloom Nectar Lifebloom Nectar Lifebloom Petal Lifebloom Petal Lime Lime Mackerel Meat Mackerel Meat Mammoth Ear Leaf Mammoth Ear Leaf Mandrake Leaf Mandrake Leaf Mandrake Root Mandrake Root Manna Branch Manna Branch Manna Flower Manna Flower Marshmallow Marshmallow Milk Milk Mist Cap Mist Cap Molasses Molasses Moonstone Dust Moonstone Dust Moonstone Ingot Moonstone Ingot Moonstone Ore Moonstone Ore Moth Moth Mushroom Mushroom Nutmeg Nutmeg Obsidian Dust Obsidian Dust Obsidian Ingot Obsidian Ingot Obsidian Ore Obsidian Ore Olive Oil Olive Oil Onion Onion Onion Powder Onion Powder Orange Orange Oregano Oregano Pasta Pasta Pectin Pectin Pepper Pepper Perch Meat Perch Meat Pineapple Pineapple Pinto Bean Pinto Bean Piranha Meat Piranha Meat Pollock Meat Pollock Meat Potato Potato Pumpkin Pumpkin Radish Radish Rainbow Trout Meat Rainbow Trout Meat Raspberry Raspberry Rice Rice Sage Leaf Sage Leaf Salamander Salamander Salmon Meat Salmon Meat Salt Salt Sardine Meat Sardine Meat Silver Dust Silver Dust Silver Ingot Silver Ingot Silver Ore Silver Ore Slug Slug Snapper Meat Snapper Meat Soy Bean Soy Bean Soy Sauce Soy Sauce Spinach Spinach Squash Squash Star Anise Star Anise Starstone Dust Starstone Dust Starstone Ingot Starstone Ingot Starstone Ore Starstone Ore Strawberry Strawberry Sugar Sugar Sugar Cane Sugar Cane Tilapia Meat Tilapia Meat Tin Dust Tin Dust Tin Ingot Tin Ingot Tin Ore Tin Ore Tofu Tofu Tomato Tomato Tortilla Tortilla Trout Meat Trout Meat Tuna Meat Tuna Meat Turkey Turkey Turnip Turnip Vanilla Bean Vanilla Bean Vanilla Extract Vanilla Extract Vinegar Vinegar Void Essence of Earth Void Essence of Earth Void Essence of Fire Void Essence of Fire Void Essence of Ice Void Essence of Ice Void Essence of Light Void Essence of Light Void Essence of Lightning Void Essence of Lightning Void Essence of Shadow Void Essence of Shadow Void Essence of Water Void Essence of Water Void Essence of Wind Void Essence of Wind Water Water Wheat Wheat White Truffle White Truffle Worm Worm Wormwood Bark Wormwood Bark Wormwood Leaf Wormwood Leaf Zucchini Zucchini