Game breaking bug

Posted by Kingdemon on Oct. 20, 2022

Hello I have been enjoying this game for a little while now but I've encountered a game breaking bug where all my characters are dead and they will not let me start a new game any help would be much appreciated I do want to continue playing this game but right now I'm stuck on my last game and it does post my high score but that's all I can do it's stuck on my character fighting a monster and all I can choose is fight or escape and then it just ends and then when I start a new game It starts all over again it's an endless cycle is there any way to reset the game


Reply by Kingdemon on Oct. 20, 2022

I would also like to add that I am completely blind completely blind so these boy schemes are amazing on my Alexa that's why I enjoyed it so much but it's so much so if the developers could please give me some tips on resetting the game or any help resetting the game that would be amazing

Reply by Digital Hokum Staff Replymalero on Oct. 20, 2022

Oh no! I'm sorry to hear that. I'll look into it. Does your account have a username/alias? If not, can you say "change username to x" when you're in the game and tell me what it is so I can find your account easier?

Reply by Digital Hokum Staff Replymalero on Oct. 20, 2022

I think I found your account and actually a bunch of others that have somehow gotten into that same state. Give me a little bit and I'll see if I can fix it.

Reply by Kingdemon on Oct. 20, 2022

Yes my username I use is king demon indeed man and for some reason it repeats my score's top score is top score over and over as number one on the leaderboard as well

Reply by Kingdemon on Oct. 20, 2022

It looks like whatever you did worked the game seems to have reset now and is working thank you very much for the reply and for the fix keep up the great work I really enjoy the game and look forward to seeing what gets added

Reply by Digital Hokum Staff Replymalero on Oct. 21, 2022

Great! I'm glad it's working again. Now I just have to figure out what's causing that.

Reply by Kingdemon on Oct. 21, 2022

OK so it looks like I figured out what the bug might be actually found I actually found a couple now which I hope I can provide good feedback on number one the gold counter resets after 40 months I believe and after the 40 mark 40 month mark You stop getting king request in request so the game doesn't end and so then what I tried to do was kill off all my characters and I committed suicide and then when I killed my last 2 character or my last character it did the same glitch again so it looks like if you kill your characters on purpose and may cause this bug to happen also I wanted to ask if there's a way to make the game actually start a new game when you tell it to start a new game That would probably help out a lot too I hope I enjoy the game and I think I really broke at this time

Reply by Kingdemon on Oct. 21, 2022

Let me try that again that's a bit jumbled

The gold counter reset itself after hitting I believe about 10 million gold in month 40 or so Enter

The king does not give you request after about month 40 something or soThat in turn causes the game to just continue and not stop with no way of resetting it

After killing off all my regular NP c's I had Clyde and Bella lefthe Bella left so I'm not sure if the glitch happens when you kill them off last that may be it

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