Gacha Pets Santa Paws Mines of Descent Leaderboard

Here are the trainer and pets that have reached the deepest depths of the Mines of Descent.

Rank Depth Pet Level Pet Username User ID
1 10034 250 Male Santa Paws bones 225345
2 10009 250 Female Santa Paws bones 225345
3 10001 250 Male Santa Paws scotty 181813
4 10000 250 Female Santa Paws scotty 181813
5 6510 250 Male Santa Paws mandy lion 167038
6 5274 250 Female Santa Paws mandy lion 167038
7 3345 130 Male Santa Paws dejuan 239531
8 2759 250 Male Santa Paws nicholas 163750
9 2757 250 Male Santa Paws twinkle toes 197453
10 2733 250 Female Santa Paws Goro 228881
11 2708 250 Female Santa Paws gunslinger 189765
12 2703 250 Male Santa Paws anna monymous 213071
13 2702 250 Male Santa Paws high evolutionary 176902
14 2701 250 Female Santa Paws legend harvey alpha 40121
15 2700 250 Male Santa Paws brave heart 199606
16 2700 250 Female Santa Paws brave heart 199606
17 2700 250 Male Santa Paws sorrengail 176889
18 2568 250 Female Santa Paws tank girl 192140
19 2498 250 Male Santa Paws mystical alchemist 2317
20 2487 189 Male Santa Paws the dragonfly 4208
21 2449 232 Female Santa Paws SilverTwilight 216904
22 2385 250 Male Santa Paws legend harvey alpha 40121
23 2161 250 Male Santa Paws pug 231631
24 2106 250 Female Santa Paws twinkle toes 197453
25 2090 250 Male Santa Paws scooby the fearless 4634
26 2081 250 Female Santa Paws devilish anthony 239440
27 2070 250 Female Santa Paws mystical alchemist 2317
28 2069 206 Male Santa Paws trainer david 240277
29 2029 250 Female Santa Paws hot legs 1 178541
30 2000 100 Female Santa Paws bookworm 226288
31 2000 250 Female Santa Paws scooby the fearless 4634
32 1959 250 Male Santa Paws super steve 38190
33 1936 250 Male Santa Paws devilish anthony 239440
34 1908 250 Male Santa Paws flower princess 239655
35 1891 250 Female Santa Paws Asuna 239990
36 1859 237 Male Santa Paws FelipeWolf 238245
37 1859 250 Female Santa Paws qxq 227641
38 1851 250 Male Santa Paws metalhead 195020
39 1789 250 Male Santa Paws flex 205205
40 1784 250 Female Santa Paws rock 177075
41 1748 223 Female Santa Paws a simple mummer 220655
42 1747 250 Male Santa Paws the ice queen 237102
43 1741 247 Female Santa Paws peter x 13121
44 1739 143 Male Santa Paws chalot 215066
45 1711 210 Male Santa Paws ralph 237585
46 1675 250 Female Santa Paws pug 231631
47 1659 250 Female Santa Paws blondie 220225
48 1659 119 Female Santa Paws Shadow Rider 12891
49 1641 116 Female Santa Paws Badshah 228603
50 1635 250 Female Santa Paws the crystal tigress 209824
51 1624 250 Female Santa Paws Jared 170230
52 1616 250 Female Santa Paws sam merlott 239799
53 1611 250 Male Santa Paws kitchen witch 239499
54 1609 250 Male Santa Paws the yummiest cho 233459
55 1607 250 Female Santa Paws high evolutionary 176902
56 1560 203 Male Santa Paws BabyMouse 228887
57 1559 179 Male Santa Paws SilverTwilight 216904
58 1517 250 Male Santa Paws Jared 170230
59 1511 250 Male Santa Paws hot legs 1 178541
60 1502 229 Male Santa Paws donald trump 12648
61 1496 250 Male Santa Paws scooter pie and the fart brigade 15790
62 1492 250 Female Santa Paws kitchen witch 239499
63 1490 250 Female Santa Paws Huyhuytv 226368
64 1457 218 Male Santa Paws zoe louise 35097
65 1456 250 Female Santa Paws scooter pie and the fart brigade 15790
66 1429 50 Male Santa Paws david 240667
67 1419 184 Female Santa Paws flower princess 239655
68 1406 250 Male Santa Paws beginner 233613
69 1391 250 Male Santa Paws blazing star 183529
70 1369 250 Male Santa Paws necronomicon 238856
71 1348 91 Male Santa Paws gordan 226789
72 1329 171 Male Santa Paws doctor mephesto 209339
73 1326 250 Male Santa Paws blind oracle 199339
74 1309 250 Male Santa Paws pixie princess 6781
75 1301 250 Female Santa Paws darlene 27931
76 1296 211 Female Santa Paws pixie mama 11660
77 1266 250 Female Santa Paws luna lovegood 170059
78 1251 142 Male Santa Paws bars ketchum 240414
79 1200 249 Male Santa Paws rock 177075
80 1199 178 Female Santa Paws necronomicon 238856
81 1185 203 Female Santa Paws metalhead 195020
82 1159 162 Male Santa Paws tank girl 192140
83 1105 250 Female Santa Paws Shura 227889
84 1100 250 Male Santa Paws TheImaginatrix 237177
85 1099 55 Female Santa Paws Neal 41245
86 1074 50 Male Santa Paws shade 7853
87 1038 250 Female Santa Paws titus 44062
88 1029 63 Male Santa Paws beowulf 36936
89 1021 65 Male Santa Paws arigon 226862
90 1001 250 Male Santa Paws darlene 27931
91 994 176 Male Santa Paws a simple mummer 220655
92 950 83 Male Santa Paws Shadow Rider 12891
93 941 148 Female Santa Paws amyris the fearless 231372
94 939 58 Male Santa Paws lightning 203439
95 938 50 Male Santa Paws Cardinal 241281
96 929 84 Male Santa Paws Alfi 227046
97 920 138 Female Santa Paws laisdandrea 230122
98 919 198 Male Santa Paws pegasus unicorn the majestic beast of elegance 167668
99 919 109 Female Santa Paws Alfi 227046
100 900 73 Male Santa Paws mrh riviera 177040