Endless Forest Leaderboard

Leaderboard of the furthest points reached this week in the Endless Forest.

Rank Score Username User ID
1 8,503 mandy lion 167038
2 6,148 obsidian unicorn 37784
3 6,126 Alecsa 237990
4 4,865 brave heart 199606
5 3,333 devilish anthony 239440
6 3,260 david 240667
7 2,484 miracle guardian 232227
8 2,225 mrh riviera 177040
9 2,100 kim 6208
10 2,014 zoe louise 35097
11 1,630 Cardinal 241281
12 1,520 x 165540
13 1,423 susan 238232
14 1,309 silver leaf 57 193172
15 1,258 flower princess 239655
16 1,208 polyphemus 15011
17 1,110 mango king 165781
18 1,023 shade 7853
19 924 crimsonqueen003 166034
20 864 casper 237356
21 834 dark justice 8099
22 834 Artemis 240135
23 834 Anonymous 225898
24 748 enyacat 243208
25 673 champion the bon 216324
26 672 the ice king 47121
27 665 osor 237513
28 665 snowy owl 176361
29 585 byron 214896
30 512 pretty girl blossom 177599
31 508 wayland 221745
32 508 flex 205205
33 458 cloudy 243391
34 384 slasher kitten 242691
35 384 Anonymous 62414
36 384 rupomstar 243546
37 378 odin 15733
38 363 metalhead 195020
39 363 duchess deathstrike 36541
40 363 vlad the impaler 73429
41 313 Anonymous 39684
42 313 Bree 242944
43 307 army of the unde 179007
44 295 Anonymous 32830
45 295 american viper 243481
46 295 drake 211977
47 295 x 196457
48 295 x 102812
49 295 emily 236406
50 232 Anonymous 19322
51 232 joanne 191706
52 231 x 188165
53 230 pets braveheart 225835
54 230 high evolutionary 176902
55 230 old bear 85 196939
56 230 super kit car 185239
57 172 ally 239186
58 169 dejuan 239531
59 168 john cena 167401
60 168 master batman 35138
61 168 x 211404
62 168 bones 225345
63 168 super saiyan god 243512
64 115 Alfi 227046
65 111 chris 11377
66 110 x 239110
67 109 pikachū 32980
68 109 machine gun kelly 205691
69 109 sugar pie honey snow fairy princess 175373
70 109 twinkle toes 197453
71 109 malero 39122
72 59 Anonymous 243451
73 56 j lo 199582
74 55 Anonymous 243480
75 53 kira jiro rengok 238795
76 53 lightning 203439
77 53 Anonymous 243093
78 53 Anonymous 39916
79 3 axew axe your de 236469
80 3 natty elephant 168166
81 1 ducky 21 243324
82 0 hartson 5743
83 0 the dragonfly 4208
84 0 Anonymous 243525
85 0 MorningStar 237948
86 0 luna is the best 37805
87 0 koala 242671
88 0 Anonymous 196339
89 0 scooter pie and the fart brigade 15790
90 0 neon rainbow 176893
91 0 Anonymous 241483
92 0 gacha pet master 241238
93 0 superbad 4311