Gacha Pets Endless Dungeon Leaderboard

Here are the trainer and pets that have reached the highest levels of the Endless Dungeon.

Rank Dungeon Level Pet Level Pet Username User ID
1 12472 250 Female Owlkin high evolutionary 176902
2 12000 250 Female Grotesque brave heart 199606
3 12000 250 Male Grotesque brave heart 199606
4 11219 241 Male Qilin bones 225345
5 10822 178 Male Dos bones 225345
6 10751 250 Female Cherub bones 225345
7 10742 250 Female Grotesque bones 225345
8 10429 250 Male Chrono bones 225345
9 10387 250 Female Qilin bones 225345
10 10385 250 Female Seraph bones 225345
11 10263 250 Male Ronin the dragonfly 4208
12 10154 250 Male Lectry bones 225345
13 10153 250 Male Axle bones 225345
14 10132 250 Male Cherub bones 225345
15 10123 250 Male Seraph bones 225345
16 10114 250 Male Bloodwing bones 225345
17 10084 185 Female Dos bones 225345
18 10075 250 Female Dumpy bones 225345
19 10068 153 Female Ronin bones 225345
20 10065 250 Female Whiskers bones 225345
21 10043 250 Male Duke scotty 181813
22 10041 250 Male Hogger bones 225345
23 10040 250 Male Grotesque bones 225345
24 10023 250 Female Santa Paws scotty 181813
25 10022 250 Male Ronin bones 225345
26 10021 250 Female Duke scotty 181813
27 10021 250 Male Santa Paws scotty 181813
28 10011 250 Male Dumpy bones 225345
29 10010 250 Male Whiskers bones 225345
30 10009 250 Male Duke bones 225345
31 10001 250 Female Qilin scotty 181813
32 10000 250 Female Seraph scotty 181813
33 10000 250 Female Torta scotty 181813
34 10000 250 Male Dos scotty 181813
35 10000 250 Female Dos freya 8846
36 10000 250 Male Torta scotty 181813
37 8274 250 Male Grotesque freya 8846
38 8151 250 Female Uno odium 224338
39 7770 250 Male Grotesque the dragonfly 4208
40 7634 250 Male Grotesque TheImaginatrix 237177
41 7475 250 Male Frosthorn high evolutionary 176902
42 6845 250 Male Grotesque pug 231631
43 6820 250 Male Ronin scotty 181813
44 6251 250 Female Axle bones 225345
45 6219 250 Female Torta scooby the fearless 4634
46 6002 125 Male Dos hjozwiak 225907
47 5342 250 Female Noel twinkle toes 197453
48 5310 250 Female Alpha scotty 181813
49 5286 250 Female Grotesque the ice king 47121
50 5110 250 Male Grover brave heart 199606
51 5100 250 Female Chrono brave heart 199606
52 5021 250 Male Apep brave heart 199606
53 5020 250 Female Bloodwing brave heart 199606
54 5000 250 Female Wart brave heart 199606
55 5000 250 Female Apep brave heart 199606
56 5000 250 Female Alpha brave heart 199606
57 5000 250 Male Bloodwing brave heart 199606
58 5000 250 Male Alpha brave heart 199606
59 4978 250 Female Wart scotty 181813
60 4967 250 Female Stonewarden the dragonfly 4208
61 4899 250 Male Axle gunslinger 189765
62 4731 250 Female Chrono scotty 181813
63 4662 250 Male Chrono brave heart 199606
64 4635 250 Female Dos the ice king 47121
65 4596 240 Female Chrono the dragonfly 4208
66 4580 250 Female Hogger bones 225345
67 4549 250 Male Grotesque blazing star 183529
68 4544 250 Male Dumpy scotty 181813
69 4520 250 Female Puck the dragonfly 4208
70 4520 250 Male Alpha scotty 181813
71 4514 250 Male Kaze BabyMouse 228887
72 4512 250 Male Wart BeefSupreme 205948
73 4502 250 Male Uno Shadow Rider 12891
74 4502 250 Female Uno Huyhuytv 226368
75 4501 250 Male Grotesque donald trump 12648
76 4501 250 Female Uno Shadow Rider 12891
77 4400 250 Female Nezumi scotty 181813
78 4398 250 Male Emo Pets4Me 227811
79 4363 250 Male Uno odium 224338
80 4356 250 Female Dumpy scotty 181813
81 4313 23 Male Dos donald trump 12648
82 4230 250 Male Grotesque babymetalfan 233038
83 4202 250 Male Bloodwing the dragonfly 4208
84 4154 250 Female Apep the dragonfly 4208
85 4129 250 Female Grotesque the ice queen 237102
86 4094 250 Male Seacorn bones 225345
87 4036 250 Female Lectry brave heart 199606
88 4027 250 Male Stonewarden donald trump 12648
89 4021 250 Male Grotesque striker 165366
90 4008 250 Male Weresquirrel bones 225345
91 3893 250 Male Wart scotty 181813
92 3871 250 Male Kaze scotty 181813
93 3671 250 Female Kaze scotty 181813
94 3603 250 Male Wolfy bones 225345
95 3584 250 Female Alpha BeefSupreme 205948
96 3555 250 Male Noel bones 225345
97 3530 130 Male Santa Paws dejuan 239531
98 3527 57 Male Chrono the dragonfly 4208
99 3527 250 Male Torta the ice queen 237102
100 3520 250 Male Uno ForestGrinder 227184