Gacha Pets Arena Leaderboard

The highest fame earned in the arena today.

Rank Fame Total Battles Username User ID
1 1,382 49 sigma 12498
2 472 19 MorningStar 237948
3 430 17 zoe louise 35097
4 264 15 pikachū 32980
5 232 14 Anonymous 225898
6 180 9 bones 225345
7 136 11 storm weaver 80832
8 126 9 champion the bon 216324
9 120 9 rbp underscore 0406 41621
10 100 7 the ice queen 237102
11 96 14 thalia 34994
12 80 5 gabriel 232554
13 80 5 kira jiro rengok 238795
14 68 7 x 102812
15 50 6 wolf king 23153
16 42 3 l tyler 214202
17 26 2 polyphemus 15011
18 26 2 brave heart 199606
19 12 1 shade 7853
20 12 1 Shadow Rider 12891
21 12 1 lady blue 16575
22 12 1 Anonymous 62414
23 12 1 timothy 69 66347
24 12 1 Anonymous 196339
25 12 1 magistrate 236322
26 12 1 axew axe your de 236469
27 10 2 rupomstar 243546
28 8 3 machine gun kelly 205691
29 6 4 coulson 236701
30 -2 1 scooter pie and the fart brigade 15790
31 -2 1 Anonymous 43726
32 -2 1 enyacat 243208