Game Guide


Common Pet Earth Groundhog


Check For A Shadow

Quick skill - Check if pet has a shadow. 50% chance to apply Hopeful And Persistent to all allies or Seasonal Affective Disorder to all enemies and trigger it. Deal high earth damage based on intelligence.


Quick skill - Summon a random pet that matches one of this pet's tribes and execute its preferred skill.


Each pet level grants the following attributes:

Strength 2
Intelligence 7
Speed 3
Vitality 3

Hogger Evolutions

Hogger can evolve into the following pets:

Chrono Chrono Evolved Celestial Brand of Chrono
Grover Grover Evolved Light/Earth Brand of Grover
Shivertail Shivertail Evolved Shadow/Ice Brand of Shivertail

Note: Evolving Hogger requires it to be level 250, both skills to be mastery level 10, applying the evolved pet's brand and then applying an Orb of Evolution to that pet.