Game Guide
Nezumi: Nezumi is a small, agile rodent with a sleek, shadowy appearance. Its body is dark, with sharp, bright eyes that glint with mischief. Nezumi has a long tail and quick, nimble paws, ideal for a thief. The creature's overall look is stealthy and cunning, with an aura of mystery that reflects its shadowy nature.


Evolved Pet Shadow Rat

Rodent thief, Nezumi.


Dual Strike

Deals shadow damage based on pet's speed. 50% + 5% per mastery level chance to trigger the skill in slot 2.

Shadow Mimicry

Triggered skill/cannot be used - When the battle starts, replace this skill with a random opponent's non-triggerable skill. If there is no valid skill to mimic, at the beginning of each turn, heal for 20% + 3% per mastery level and gain a random positive status effect.


Thick As Thieves

Increase skill damage multiplier by 15% and then 15% for each matching tribe amongst all allies.


Each pet level grants the following attributes:

Strength 15
Intelligence 25
Speed 65
Vitality 40

Nezumi's Evolution

Nezumi is an evolved pet from the following pet and Brand:

Packrat Packrat Common Shadow Brand of Nezumi