Possible New Pets

Posted by Jayde on June 12, 2024

Hi there. Designing stuff is something I enjoy, even if it's just for fun. The following is just me sharing some of the creatures I've thought of while playing. I'm sure the dev has their own plans.
I'm going to keep these brief in concept, just enough to give an idea of what it is and how I see it functioning.

Scarionette (evolved from Twitch)
Type: shadow
Brand would grant the skill "Cut Strings", which would be a start-of-battle skill that gave a short-term speed, intelligence and strength buff.
Scarionette's skills would contain an upgraded version of Play Dead, plus a shadow attack that did multiple hits based on strength, intelligence and speed, and inflicted a different debuff on each hit (i.e., it's dancing around, whacking random enemies, and each new hit adds one stack of a status). In my head I refer to this imaginary skill as Dance Macabre.

Wolphantom (possible evolution from Husky?)
Type: ice and shadow
Brand would grant some sort of damage absorption (i.e., being partially incorporeal means that damage done to this pet is scaled down a little)
Spectral Snarl would be a shadow-type attack that hits all enemies for modest shadow damage but lowered their stats (some form of intimidation). Secondary skill would be Haunting Howl, a skill that summoned one or two copies of this pet which copied its attacks and then dissipate, dealing larger shadow damage and inflicting blind and confuse (i.e., this thing will summon ghostly wolves to fight alongside it, who will hit and then sort of explode; think Kaze but more built around status than damage).
Main stats: strength, vitality

Murkraken (evolution of Squidy)
Type: water-shadow
Brand would grant a quick skill that summoned 1-3 tentacles, which would use Shadow Strike before dissipating; could even taunt opposing pets to attack the tentacles first, but they'd be fairly weak.
Seize would do water and shadow damage based on the number of tentacles present, also based on intelligence and speed, with increased mastery granting access to more damage and tentacles being summoned when this skill is used. Acrid Inkblast would be a debuff to all enemies that would cause blind, poison, confuse and maybe other things, with more tentacles adding more stacks.

Warhead (evolution of Nukey)
Types: fire-earth
Brand grants Irradiated trait, which makes this pet's attacks cause Irradiated status effect on hit. Irradiated will pass to other team members every time an affected member attacks; it lowers all main stats by a small amount that quickly scales.
Ground Zero would do massive fire and earth damage to all enemies and cause a whole host of status effects (blind, poison, irradiated above all else, maybe concussed, stunned or crushed), but would have some form of cooldown to ensure it wasn't able to be used over and over. Fallout would do many smaller hits of earth+fire damage to random enemies, stacking Irradiated much more quickly than its other attacks

That's all I've got at the moment. They're rough and rudimentary on purpose. If you care to, tell me what you think.


Reply by jeffery on June 12, 2024

if I were the developer, I would add them. They seem really good, I wonder what the Dev has planned

Reply by Digital Hokum Staff Replymalero on June 12, 2024

I’ve been thinking about allowing supporters of the game to design a pet, evolution or equipment. I haven’t sat down and figured out exactly how that will work yet, but maybe people that buy the $50 egg pack can help design a pet or evolution and the $50 amber pack get to help design an equipment. Pick one and I’ll make it! I’ll save the others for future ideas.

Reply by Jayde on June 12, 2024

Ooh, now this is a neat idea. I am not quite familiar enough with the game's math and mechanics to be competent any of these would work as I've designed them. lol But this sort of thing is right up my alley. I am not trying to press ideas on you, I'm sure you have your own vision for the game.

Of the ones I designed here, I personally like the wolf most, but I am also the least certain of how to make it work so that it's a competent pet. I am personally not a huge fan of pets that are super gimicky (i.e., they almost never fare well in a fight). That's not to say I want or expect it to be uber powerful, I am a fan of game balance after all. But yeah, if something similar to this wolf were ever implemented, I'd probably be all over it. I also...uh, thought Twitch was a shadow type, always thought of it as a corpse or something playing dead, even though that's absolutely not what it is. Scarionette kind of doesn't fit with it anymore, but that would be my second pick, even if it were its own thing and not related to Twitch at all.

Reply by Joe on June 12, 2024

Those sound like neat suggestions.

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