Why is are my pets health bar red?

Posted by Neal on Oct. 5, 2022

When I was playing gacha pets yesterday the health bar turned red. Please help me fix this!


Reply by Digital Hokum Staff Replymalero on Oct. 5, 2022

Health is now red. There is no fixing it unless you change my mind. Red is health, green is stamina.

Reply by Neal on Oct. 5, 2022

Oh ok thanks 👍

Reply by dkile on Oct. 9, 2022

How do you see a health bar? On my Fire tablet I only see a tiny logo in the upper right corner and Gacha Pets in big letters in the center.

Reply by Neal on Oct. 10, 2022

Say list pets or go into a battle in the arena or endless dungeon.

Reply by dkile on Oct. 10, 2022

No, display doesn't change no matter what I do.

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