I have some questions about the game.

Posted by Makenna2169 on Sept. 14, 2022

So my friend and I were told that not only our pets but our trainer level can go up. When we ask what level we are it tells us we are in a town called norton. Does this mean the forest and adventure modes will be released today or is this a bug?


Reply by Haven. on Sept. 14, 2022

The trainer level is written in this website, but just for convenience, your trainer level is 67, and if the friend you are talking about is Colossus, her trainer level is 89.

To raise this I think that you need to incubate eggs, or something linked with eggs. However, I am not sure and Malero will be able to explain better.

Reply by Makenna2169 on Sept. 14, 2022

Thanks haven for helping us. If I can ask for a feature, I would like to ask for our trainer levels to be accessed in game and also our leaderboard ranking for arena and endless dungeon. Also, when the endless forest comes out, I would like to access that leaderboard within game as well. My friend said that there was a couple people on the endless forest leaderboard, but I don’t know if they’re beta testers or how they got access to the forest, so I was curious to get clued into that information as well.

Reply by Haven. on Sept. 15, 2022

I think they must be beta testers

Reply by Haven. on Sept. 15, 2022

And they are on this forum so they could say

Reply by Digital Hokum Staff Replymalero on Sept. 15, 2022

Trainer level doesn't really mean anything right now. I was going to tie it to a reward system that gave you items each time you leveled up but I must have gotten sidetracked and never finished implementing it. Also, at the time there weren't really all that many exciting items to give out as rewards. Maybe in the future, I'll reset it and add the rewards. Maybe it could be a monthly race to the highest level with rewards at each level. What do you guys think about that idea?

The people on the Endless Forest leaderboard are one beta tester and me. I will invite more beta testers for adventure mode since it's so much larger than the Endless Forest.

Reply by Makenna2169 on Sept. 15, 2022

That sounds good. Just curious, do you know what the status on the certification? I don't know if the developers get notifications about if certification of their games are complete or not.

Reply by Digital Hokum Staff Replymalero on Sept. 15, 2022

No updates on the certification yet. We get notified if there's something wrong and when everything looks good and it's published. Alexa Live 2022 was a few months ago and they announced some really cool incentives to improve your skill(s). I'll add a link if you're curious.


Basically, each skill you've published will have an internal quality score of 0 to 5 and there are incentives to increase it as much as you can. I bet there will be a lot of new and updated skills coming! But what I'm getting at is that the certification team is probably extremely busy. This is the longest it's ever taken for me to hear anything. That's just a guess, I honestly have no idea what the actual situation is.

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