Evolution questions and adventure mode questions for gotcha pets
Posted by willla on Dec. 22, 2023Hello, I have an evolution question.
Do you think you could make an evolution for Tara? And maybe some other pets like Paul bear? Or woolly? Or also maybe even the mythical pets like Sierra and all the other pets? And also for Sabre? Or other kinds of pets? also, what is your plan for adventure mode?
Poll bear just got an evolution with the Brand of Santa Paws. Uncommon and above probably won't get evolutions.
What skills does it use? and evolution for Tara? and what is the evolved version of pallbearer? I was trying to say what does the skills of the above version use? I mean evolved version.
The evolved version of Poll Bear is Santa Paws. I don’t know what skill Santa Paws does. What pet is Tara?
There is also Noel for Punk, I think. Also, can you now find Camou, as well as Axle while fishing?
Terra is a mythical earth pet. end it has the following two skills, Fisher, and calm of terror. Fisher hertz for heavy earth damage, call of terror taunts the other pet and cons upon the Earth for guidance. Also, I only know I only know about catching the pet axle for fishing. You might have to ask the developers about that other fish pet that you were talking about. Also, I hope there will be other evolutions in the future. I meant to say call of terror calls upon the Earth for guidance.
That is the second skill that it uses. I meant terror I meant Cara TARA
Oh okay😂