couple of questions about the browser vers

Posted by Anthony on July 19, 2024

Hi All,

I like to play the game on both browser and Alexa platforms, but was wondering if there was any way to either turn the volume down of the music or failing that, turning it off all together? It drowns out my screen reader and I can't hear the options to proceed. So I mainly play on my Alexa because of it.

The other question is, I have noticed the drop in xp in the endless foresrt if I play on the browser and I understand why, but is the xp that only gets decreased? or are the items reduced as well as the xp.

Sorry 1 more question regardingg equipment, if i say have a vitality peet like Wooly, is it best to give them a vitality strongg piece? or would he benefit from a speed based piece because his vitality should be ok.



Reply by Jennifer on July 19, 2024

I also play on the browser version and there have been many times I wished the sound wasn't so loud especially at the barracks but here's how I took care of it. Let me first let you know that I play on a laptop with JAWS as my screen reader so if you use an ipad to play I don't know how you would do it. With JAWS you can press your JAWS key and space bar at the same time and then press letter D. This will duck other audio which means while you're doing other things and your screen reader is talking the other sounds aren't heard. The same command turns off the duck audio option. If you want to just turn off the sounds all together Take your curser to the very bottom of the page while on the game and press tab.It will say view sight information secure. It's a button. Press enter and tab around until you come to where it says sound toggle button pressed. When you press enter the sound will turn off. Then tab or shift tab to get to where it says close and press enter and then I shift tab to get back to the game. If you want the sound back do the same thing. I keep the sound on because I like being able to hear my pets when they fight.

Reply by Anthony on July 20, 2024

Thanks a lot Jennifer,

I play the game using my iphone with Safari and the reason I do this is because when I use jaws and chrome on my pc and the battle is going on its like its not focused on the battle sequence, so I hear the battle noisees but not the commentary, so I have to arrow up when the battle is finished to review the battle and that was boring and ponderous.

I may try a different browser on my pc to see if its better but at the moment I am altering between playing on the phone for certain tasks and the echo device for others.

I tried audio ducking before and I am not sure if this just happens to ne but when the audio pans in and out it makes me disoriented, thatss why I could never listen to audio described movies.

Anyway I am stuck on level 34 in the endless forest so I need to train up my pets at the barracks me thinks.

Reply by Digital Hokum Staff Replymalero on July 20, 2024

1. I should have a volume option done soon, probably in the next couple of days if I can get some good work time in.

2. The experience should be the same. There was a problem when update 7.2 came out, but it should be fixed now.

3. Yes, giving your Wooly more vitality will increase its damage. Dragon scales is a good option once you get it refined high enough to buff the entire party!

Reply by Jennifer on July 20, 2024

That would be nice to have a volume button. On the browser I think the barracks is the loudest music in the entire game. If I have a pet in the dungeon or mines on auto battle and want to do other things on my computer I just turn off the sound. When I first started using the browser to play we didn't have any sounds so I am greatful for them because hearing the battles lets me know when I can continue. Also I like hearing the pet sounds. A lot of them are really cute like squint and emo. Punk and rocky are a little loud but I deal with it. I don't read the information about the battles too often unless I'm trying to see which equipment works better with a pet or if I just want to know how much damage a pet did.

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