Endless battle in the arena problem
Posted by Spud on Dec. 13, 2022Hi, I am having an issue in the arena. Both pets keep healing so no one can win or lose. I cant do anything else until this battle is over. What can I do? Or is this an error with the developers?
Kirsty (Spud)

Oh no, that's not good. I'm having trouble finding your profile. Do you think you could try linking your account? I can't remember if you're able to do that in battle or not. Just say "link account" and sign in.
I had a problem like that once before with two spectras in an arena battle. I stopped using boo and started using shadow strike so my spectra wouldn't keep healing and I could exit the battle even though that meant I lost.

I've been thinking about this and I may make healing less effective the longer a battle lasts. Another option would be to add a concede command.
I vote for the the option to concede!
Yes, please add a concede option. The main fun factor with spectra is the strong healing.