Endless battle in the arena problem

Posted by Spud on Dec. 13, 2022

Hi, I am having an issue in the arena. Both pets keep healing so no one can win or lose. I cant do anything else until this battle is over. What can I do? Or is this an error with the developers?


Kirsty (Spud)


Reply by Digital Hokum Staff Replymalero on Dec. 13, 2022

Oh no, that's not good. I'm having trouble finding your profile. Do you think you could try linking your account? I can't remember if you're able to do that in battle or not. Just say "link account" and sign in.

Reply by MysticalAlchemist on Dec. 20, 2022

I had a problem like that once before with two spectras in an arena battle. I stopped using boo and started using shadow strike so my spectra wouldn't keep healing and I could exit the battle even though that meant I lost.

Reply by Digital Hokum Staff Replymalero on Dec. 20, 2022

I've been thinking about this and I may make healing less effective the longer a battle lasts. Another option would be to add a concede command.

Reply by MysticalAlchemist on Dec. 20, 2022

I vote for the the option to concede!

Reply by GolfCartLord on Dec. 20, 2022

Yes, please add a concede option. The main fun factor with spectra is the strong healing.

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