Have some questions about the endless forest.

Posted by Makenna2169 on Sept. 11, 2022

I was wondering how the endless forest will work? Will we be able to fight, and if so, can we earn eggs there also?


Reply by Digital Hokum Staff Replymalero on Sept. 11, 2022

It's a huge path that goes in random directions. You have to use lanterns to light the path or try to randomly find the path(not recommended). There are a few different types of things you can find off of the path:

Gacha Pet encounter.
Chest full of random items.
Myst Cache that gives the new Endless Forest currency called bottled mist.
Nest with a Gacha Egg.
Herb patch to craft the new elixirs and potions.

There are checkpoints along the path that are guarded by a boss. Once you beat the boss, your progress is saved. You can buy items with bottled mist at a checkpoint. Every checkpoint gets further and further away and the encounters and bosses get harder the further from the start you are as well.

If you run out of lanterns, you may buy them from the bottled mist vendor.

Reply by Colossus on Sept. 11, 2022

Can pets gain experience points in the endless forest?

Reply by Digital Hokum Staff Replymalero on Sept. 11, 2022

Yes, you will gain experience in the endless forest.

Reply by Makenna2169 on Sept. 11, 2022

Will we start off with any lanterns or no? Also, will we have to pay money to get more of them?

Reply by Makenna2169 on Sept. 11, 2022

Also, what happens when we run out of lanterns? Will we get kicked out of the forest?

Reply by Digital Hokum Staff Replymalero on Sept. 11, 2022

You start with one lantern each week. You can buy more lanterns from the bottled mist vendor. You most likely won't have to purchase many, the chests, encounters, and bosses have a chance to drop lanterns. There are also bonfires. Bonfires create a new checkpoint and illuminate even more of the path than lanterns. They're a little more rare, though. And you can't buy them from the vendor.

Reply by Colossus on Sept. 11, 2022

I am excited to try this out. This will be a lot of fun.

Reply by Taha on Sept. 11, 2022

I am excited also interesting it's very interesting and cool

Reply by Makenna2169 on Sept. 12, 2022

What is the status of the forest? Will it be up this morning or later this week?

Reply by Digital Hokum Staff Replymalero on Sept. 12, 2022

It’s being certified. Hopefully it won’t take too long.

Reply by Makenna2169 on Sept. 12, 2022

Can you let us know when the certification goes through? I am really excited to try it out.

Reply by Colossus on Sept. 12, 2022

Will there be potions in the forest like in the dungeon? Like health, potions and stamina, potions, and stuff?

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