Received Error Message Help Please

Posted by MysticalAlchemist on Nov. 29, 2022

Hi, I received an error message in the browser saying: Error Error Error
The mainframe has suffered from a massive error and could not be recovered. Well done, you broke it. When I was in the endless forest, I went off the path and got into a trap. I was in a battle with 3 pets, but I did not recognize the names of two of the pets... I have never heard of them before. I don't have a way to leave the endless forest and I can't finish the battle either. I guess I am kind of stuck here. Please Help!?


Reply by MysticalAlchemist on Nov. 29, 2022

The problem was resolved. Thank you!

Reply by Digital Hokum Staff Replymalero on Nov. 30, 2022

Sorry about that! Getting a few things ready for some future updates and didn't mark a few new pets as inactive, so they were included in the enemy pool.

Reply by GolfCartLord on Nov. 30, 2022

Are all active pets included in the chance to incubate on the echo now?

Reply by Digital Hokum Staff Replymalero on Nov. 30, 2022

@GolfCartLord Yep!

Reply by MysticalAlchemist on Dec. 1, 2022

Oh, I see, thank you.

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