What is this elixir that I got?

Posted by Colossus on Sept. 11, 2022

The merchant approached me, and gave me five heart of the forest elixirs, what do these do? It said I could give them to a pet to increase its attributes, but when I tried it would not let me give it to any pet. Is this something that is coming in the new update? And what do these elixirs do?


Reply by Digital Hokum Staff Replymalero on Sept. 11, 2022

The merchant pulls from all elixirs. I need to make it so it only pulls from the current version. You will be able to use it when the update goes live.

The elixir increases both strength and vitality by 5.

Reply by PenelopeEckhert on Sept. 12, 2022

Fridgeing awesome, and developer, you might wanna stop letting people in on too much about your update

Reply by Digital Hokum Staff Replymalero on Sept. 12, 2022

Why do you say why Penelope?

Reply by PenelopeEckhert on Sept. 12, 2022

Because it’s a spoiler, ofcourse, it always goes like this, the less people know about it, the more excited they’re going to become, or at least that’s what I think, it’s up to you though, and if you want my opinion, don’t answer any more questions about the update until it’s out, Only the change log would’ve sufficed

Reply by CommanderTheBarbarian on Sept. 12, 2022

How do I find the merchant?

Reply by Colossus on Sept. 12, 2022

The merchant will approach you at random, for example, when you exit the dungeon, or when you exit the arena, that’s how it is always been for me. Usually it happens when I exit the dungeon, or after I get knocked out in the dungeon or something.

Reply by Digital Hokum Staff Replymalero on Sept. 12, 2022

That makes sense, Penelope. There are still a lot of surprises left!

Reply by CommanderTheBarbarian on Sept. 13, 2022

I think telling us some things and hinting at other things will get us excited as well.

Reply by PenelopeEckhert on Sept. 13, 2022

Please do not misunderstand, I’m excited too, truthfully speaking I might even be more excited than all of you combined, that I even bumped my head on my way home and shattered my sunglasses in a hurry to see if the update is live.
There is a saying that went: if something exceeds the limits of what it is supposed to be, then it becomes the opposite of what it is
Of course, we would be happy to know about the update and that would get us more excited as you said, and that’s what sneak peeks are for right? but too much of something kind of spoils it
That’s my opinion at least, if you have a differing opinion, then I respect it
I apologize if that came off as rude or disrespectful, I am bad at expressing my thoughts

Reply by Digital Hokum Staff Replymalero on Sept. 13, 2022

Overhyping an update is definitely a problem. I don’t think I’ve done that. I guess we’re going to find out soon(hopefully).

Reply by PenelopeEckhert on Sept. 13, 2022

Oh no, I wasn’t exactly saying you were overhyping it, but you were kind of letting people in on too much, I think, especially when as you said it is at most a week away, I will conclude this discussion by saying OK you do whatever you want, It’s your game after all

Reply by Colossus on Sept. 13, 2022

The only reason I was asking questions, I wasn’t trying to spoil anything, or try to have the developer give away too much, I was just confused, because I got some elixir that I couldn’t use, and they were elixir that I’ve never heard of. I’m sorry if it looks like I was trying to get the developer to spoil the game, but that was not my intention at all.

Reply by PenelopeEckhert on Sept. 13, 2022

Wasn’t talking exactly about you, was saying what I thought collectively And it happened to be under your post, Gosh I wasn’t expecting what I said to balloon up to a huge problem, wasn’t so smart on my part maybe

Reply by Colossus on Sept. 13, 2022

It is ok I am just excited.

Reply by PenelopeEckhert on Sept. 13, 2022

Can’t blame you, we are on the same page here

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