Can you add more “details” in battle

Posted by Hacker on Dec. 20, 2022

When you are battling another opponent and you have a potion effect, can you make that effect appear next to the items?


Reply by CommanderTheBarbarian on Dec. 23, 2022

On the Alexa versions, can you add more sound effects? Right now, all the newer pets have sound affects to their skills, but none of the old ones have sound effects.

Reply by Digital Hokum Staff Replymalero on Dec. 23, 2022

@Hacker Yes, I need to pretty much remake the battle UI with all of the new changes to the game(multiple pets, equipment, status effects, etc.) I’ll have to play around with some ideas and try to figure out what to do.

@aaaaa Yea, I need to go back and add sound effects to older skills and activities as well.

Reply by MasterSadler on Dec. 28, 2022

Yes, that would be cool for sure.

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