Pets level going down instead of up

Posted by MasterSadler on Dec. 20, 2022

Yes, some of my pets experience points are going down instead of going up. I am using Squirrely, her points are going down instead of going up. I had her points at 3000 almost, then it started going down instead of up. Could someone fix this problem for me I would be so grateful.


Reply by MysticalAlchemist on Dec. 20, 2022

yes, I also notice that experience points our pets receive after battles seems to decrease in the endless forest. Sometimes they increase for a while before they start slowly decreasing.

Reply by MasterSadler on Dec. 21, 2022

Why is it doing that for?

Reply by ayumi on Dec. 21, 2022

Same, but in the dungeon, my pet haS been receiving 11K XP on average for a while and I kept slaying bosses and stuff, then It was receiving 10500 K on average

Reply by Digital Hokum Staff Replymalero on Dec. 21, 2022

I've modified the experience algorithm a bit so it no longer dips after level 150. Experience at much higher levels is overall a bit lower now, though. I think the majority of players won't notice a difference.

Reply by MasterSadler on Dec. 28, 2022

Okay, thanks

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