What is the name of the pet with bomb toss
Posted by Sarah on Sept. 14, 2021I incubate an egg and got a pet that uses bomb toss, but the name of the pet is bleeped out, anybody know what this pet is? And anybody else having trouble with their trash pandas for example giving them potions or sending them places or taking them to the arena or the dungeon

The name of the pet was Tosser. I just submitted Gacha Pets for a minor update to fix that and a few other bugs. Its new name is Tossla. The big update is very close, but not quite ready yet!
Hello colossus
Hello colossus! 🙂
Hi how are you?
How do I post a new topic? I have a lot of things to say, which would probably be better in an e-mail to the developer. This game's good, but since I'm using the Alexa app on my iPhone 8+, lots of things don't currently work well/don't have an amazon device right now.