auto battle

Posted by jeffery on Sept. 5, 2024

hello I recently discovered the new auto battle mode on the Alexa device. However, my pets are quite high in the dungeons, so they get knocked out almost instantly. Almost defeats the object of autoauto battle if they are going to keep getting knocked out every 30 seconds. Do you have any tips to make them last for at least half an hour.

now that we have the auto battle in both of mines and dungeon, should we be using this or the daycare?


Reply by crimsonqueen003 on Sept. 5, 2024

I’ve noticed that when you use the auto battle for the Alexa devices that you only get one battle then it stops. I don’t know if that is a bug or not.

Reply by Anthony on Sept. 6, 2024

hello, there is nothing wrong with the auto Battle mode if your pet is getting knocked out you simply have to use either the dungeon map or the mines map on said pet it just means that the level your pet is at is too strong for it. also remember to buff your pets up with the correct equipment also potions cliffs et cetera

Reply by jeffery on Sept. 6, 2024

can I use the Maps during auto battle?

Reply by HotLegs1 on Sept. 6, 2024

during auto battle you can last a lot longer on the mobile website then you can actually in the game itself on the Alexa devices even if you was to reverse and give them the maps you still get knocked out after a while and you don't with the mobile app

Reply by HotLegs1 on Sept. 6, 2024

with the mobile app I can put my pet on the autumn mated service on my phone all night and by the time I wake up in the morning he is still there or she is still there

Reply by Pets4Me on Sept. 6, 2024

You have to keep buffing up your pets with potions and elixirs and also send them to various places: gym, library, track and spa. I think auto-battle is awesome.

Reply by Jennifer on Sept. 7, 2024

To the person who asked about giving maps while in auto mode: You have to give the map to your pet before going into the mines or dungeon. Sometimes I've given my pet two mines maps at once.
I don't believe there is any difference in using auto battle on the app version and the browser version but I tend to take mu pets off auto battle when I want to move on to something else so I really don't know. I think it also has to do with the amount of stamina your pet has. A pet that only has 200 stamina isn't goin to last as long as a pet that has 350 stamina. In the daycare my pets can last over 4 hours if they are at a lower level of the mines and dungeon where they won't get knocked out because I leave 4 stamina potions in the stall. I've also had pets get knocked out in the daycare and then took that same pet through the mines doing it myself with no problem. I also use the lifebloom potion and I give it 10 of them so it won't run out right away. If i put a pet in auto battle I often use mysterious vile because it's my most forged and refined equipment and it can work for any pet.

Reply by Anthony on Sept. 8, 2024

to be honest I wish there was auto battle for the endless forest, because I find that the most boring part of the game, I would never actually go in there if it weren’t for the fact I need to get stamina potions for my pets.

Reply by jeffery on Sept. 9, 2024

I love the endless forest, I can send my recently hatched pets there, and they will get experience, even though my strongest pets defeated the enemy. This means they will level up, and won’t lose any battles.

And get loads of resources in the process

Reply by Anthony on Sept. 10, 2024

that was the case for me as well Jeffrey, but that was before the change, now it’s just boring as hell for me because the XP is so low, but I still have to go in there sadly due to the fact that I need stamina potions. I don’t think you can get them anywhere else on the game.

Reply by HotLegs1 on Sept. 10, 2024

you can actually get stamina potions from the auction house

Reply by Pets4Me on Sept. 10, 2024

You can definitely get stamina potions in the mines and the dungeon too. I've checked when manually go through them myself without the Autobattle mode. I agree though, the forest should have Autobattle too. I go in there a lot because I have to get heaps of fishing bait some of which can only be found in the forest. You can get some bait from farming, but the forest gives you a tonne of it. I definitely think the daycare needs fixing too, I've noticed the same issue where pets get knocked out easier in the daycare, but not so much when I take the pets into the mines and dungeon.

Reply by Anthony on Sept. 10, 2024

yup, the game mechanics in this game is just bonkers, if it were not for the strange fascination of why I can't get no where near the trillions of damage some people are doing I would have gave up ages ago but I am trying to find out a way how they are bloody doing it.

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