Endless forest suggestion

Posted by Pets4Me on Oct. 12, 2024

Just wondering if energy crystals can be added to the Endless Forest? I know the Daycare doesn't use up energy, but when I have spare time I do a lot of manual training with my pets so I use energy all the time and have to keep purchasing energy crystals to keep up with my daily energy useage. Am so excited to see what the new update brings!


Reply by Anthony on Oct. 13, 2024

so is that when the energy actually gets used when you play the game manually? getting information and help is really difficult for me because I don’t use discord where I am guessing that’s where everybody gets their information. I have signed up to the newsletter months ago but not got one email since so I have to rely on the forum to get any information and would love it if more of the higher level players gave us answers to help us along the way.

Reply by Pets4Me on Oct. 13, 2024

I don't use Discord either.
I've checked the energy level when the pets are in the daycare and nothing changes until I use the dungeon and mines. So I do believe that manually taking the pets in to the mines and dungeon is what uses up energy. What I find annoying is using up my energy faster than I can gather energy crystals.

Reply by Joe on Oct. 13, 2024

The forest doesn't use energy, only the dungeon and mines. You can get energy crystals using the cooking, fishing, farming tokens and marks of the hunter.

Reply by Pets4Me on Oct. 13, 2024

The problem is using up the energy faster than we can gather the energy crystals though. So by the time we exhaust ourselves and can't use the minds or the dungeon, we have to wait until our energy pool starts refilling.

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