New problem with the game

Posted by Jeana on May 29, 2023

New problem with the game
I can’t advance my female Monty, she keeps getting knocked out. She is at level 250. Is that the maximum? Or can our pets go higher than that. I have also been in the forest a lot, and I still can’t find the things I need to transform my devvie.
Thanks jeana


Reply by Neal on May 30, 2023

250 is max and when I evolved it was pretty expensive so yeah

Reply by Neal on May 30, 2023

Plus when you have one max pet, you basically hit a pothole for like 2 weeks. To get out as fast as possible. Get lectry and get mythics

Reply by CrazyCobra on May 30, 2023

A pothole? Is it bad to have maxed pets?

Reply by Neal on May 31, 2023

No it's actually good but progress will be slow for a while. Try and max out other pets or evolve devvy

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