Guilds and Friends?

Posted by DevilishAnthony on Jan. 3, 2025

I was asking ChatGPT and Google Gemini about the game and they both mention something about joining guilds and adding friends. Is this possible? I mainly play from my Echo, but I log in on the computer once in a while to check the forums. I have used several browsers and questiond Alexa exstensively, but I can't find these things. Also, I've bought several sealed summoning scrolls, but it will not allow me to use the scroll of summin Gobbler. Why? I fight him when others summon him, but I can't do it myself. What is the Tavern, and how do I mgain access to it?
Thanks so much for all the help. This really in an amazing community. Quite often, I can just browse the forom and find the answers I'm seeking, without even having to ask. And oh what a wonderful game!


Reply by Neal on Jan. 3, 2025

For the gobbler problem, you have to go to do summoning shrine then use it.

Reply by Joe on Jan. 3, 2025

I think there will eventually be guilds and friend group but not yet. I'm pretty I've seen you summon other bosses so yes go to summoning shrine to do it and maybe overenunciate if Alexa won't understand or you'll just have to go to the browser. The Tavern isn't available yet. Also, congrats, I remember seeing your post a few weeks ago about how new you were and now you're doing hundreds of millions in damage to bosses.

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