Some questions about playing the game on my browser

Posted by CommanderTheBarbarian on Oct. 30, 2022

I tried to play this game on my Braille Note, but I found some things weird. First, I can only go to the apotheicary and the auction house. I don't see any of the normal places that I saw on my Alexa. I can't do anything in the house or the apothecary.Why couldn't I do anything in those places, and where are the other places? Second, where do I buy stuff? Third, I placed a lantern in the forest, but I couldn't use it because there wasn't a use lantern option in the actions list. How do I use a lantern?


Reply by Digital Hokum Staff Replymalero on Oct. 30, 2022

I just added screen reader labels to the activities(Endless Forest, Arena, etc.). They will be available tomorrow probably. There should be options to look at your pet list, equipment list, item list, etc. Do you not have those options? I don't have a Braille Note, so I can't really test it.

Reply by CommanderTheBarbarian on Oct. 31, 2022

I do. I just can't use lanterns that I place and I don't know where to buy stuff. Also, I don't know how to use the apothicery or the auction house.

Reply by CommanderTheBarbarian on Oct. 31, 2022

Also, now I can't see what's happening. At the bottom of the screen where the system that told me what happened ", it just tells me how many coins, eggs, and amber I have. I would like to know what's happening, especially if I'm in a fight.

Reply by Digital Hokum Staff Replymalero on Oct. 31, 2022

@aaaaaa Combat messages and other notifications can be found in the menu on the top right.

Reply by CommanderTheBarbarian on Nov. 2, 2022

That doesn't mean anything to me because I don't have a screen.

Reply by CommanderTheBarbarian on Nov. 2, 2022

Now it tells me how I killed my aponent if I win. That doesn't help me because I don't know what's going on. I would like it if it told me how much dammage I did, how much dammage my enemy did, how much health I have, how much health my enemy has, and if there are any status effects, what they did to me or my enemy.

Reply by Digital Hokum Staff Replymalero on Nov. 2, 2022

@aaaaa I'd probably have to get my hands on a Braille Note to figure it out. I'm not really sure how it works. It's kind of cool that it works at all! I'm guessing it's just seeing that last message in the log.

Reply by Taha on Nov. 3, 2022

@malero hi some descriptions not work in the endless forest and I am using a screen leader I am talking about screen reader in the browser

Reply by CommanderTheBarbarian on Nov. 6, 2022

There are no descriptions in my forest. Right before the continue button, there are a bunch of things that say no description available. Also, can somebody tell me how to use the auction house and the apothecary?

Reply by ayumi on Nov. 7, 2022

Oh, I get it, tap the place lantern button and then tap continue until they tell you there are no descriptions again, I am not sure about the auction house I wanna know how to use it as well, but the apothecary?, As long as you buy recipes with the bottled mist and have adequate ingredients, you can make certain potions or elixirs

Reply by CommanderTheBarbarian on Nov. 10, 2022

Is that what the herbs are for?

Reply by ayumi on Nov. 10, 2022

Yup that’s what they are for

Reply by MysticalAlchemist on Nov. 12, 2022

I use a screen reader on my pc as well and sometimes the browser works very well, describing when I find a gacha egg, mist cash or when I get caught in a trap in the endless forest for example, but sometimes it doesn't give me descriptions of what is going on. In those cases I enter the endless forest with my browser, but play on my echo, but that doesn't work so well with the newer pets. Malero, with screen readers things are arbitrarily in list form so when you say things like menu on the top right, it doesn't direct us to the place we need to find. For instance when I do get descriptions of what is going on, my screen reader registers it as being at the very bottom of the website for me. Sometimes I get descriptions of what is going on, but sometimes it just says welcome to Gacha Pets with no descriptions available. I hope this is a clear enough explanation. I'm mmoderately good with technology and explaining it, but it is not one of my strengths. It would be great if the browser worked consistently for me and everyone else who uses a screen reader, but I also understand that it may take some time to address issues like this.

Reply by CommanderTheBarbarian on Nov. 15, 2022

When is the endless forest and the mines of descent going to be on Alexa?

Reply by ayumi on Nov. 16, 2022

Aaaaa try this, go to your browser select either the minds of dissent or the endless forest, then go to your Alexa if your account was linked to her and launch Gacha Pets there and see what happens

Reply by Digital Hokum Staff Replymalero on Nov. 16, 2022

@MysticalAlchemist I'm looking into why the action log doesn't update sometimes.

@aaaaaa I submitted Gacha Pets for certification again on October 31st. I'm working on a more cutesy-style pet game in the meantime so I don't get frustrated by how long it's taking and pull it out of certification again. It's not ideal, but I'll probably bounce between games like this if certification times continue to take weeks instead of days like it used to.

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