Magnetic Ring and Warden Spellbook

Posted by Jennifer on Jan. 10, 2024

I have a question about these two items.
Magnetic Ring: When another pet gains a positive status effect, 50% + 5% per refine level chance to apply the same status effect to the pet. Is the other pet an ally like when you have a group of three pets in the forest or is it also the pet you're fighting in the arena?
Warden Spell Book: Apply a random positive status effect to a pet on heal. Does that happen when your pet gets healed during a fight? Also does that apply to all the status effects or just intelligence and vitality? I don't quite understand how this one works.


Reply by Digital Hokum Staff Replymalero on Jan. 11, 2024

It can also be a summon. Magnetic Ring is decent with Owlkin since Owlkin summons a Hoot and gives it the Boomkin's Gift. With Magnetic Ring, Owlkin will also get the Boomkin's Gift. Warden's Spellbook is a little weak right now since it only triggers off of direct heals and not status effects. I have it on my list to fix that, but I still don't think it will be great. Maybe a future pet or glyph will make it more useful.

Reply by jewel on Jan. 12, 2024

I think warden spellbook is really good. It works very well with scorchy with plus 5 flaim keeper.

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