Dungeons and ideas for the game

Posted by Iceball9000 on Nov. 1, 2024

Hello everyone
One I just wanna say to the developer freaking. I love this game but one thing it’s very repetitive. I’m not saying it’s a bad game but like I’ve been playing for a while now and to be honest, the game gets boring after a while because all you really do is battle on the arena and take your pets into the mines and dungeon, and once you play the mind and dungeon endless force so much it just gets repetitive to the point where I’m just pressing the button on the top of my echo and just watching YouTube, I’m not saying suggestions to make it better
One is a pet man suggestion one I think I should be like a training facility where you can send your pets and like a special trainer with train them like some of the stuff that will be trained or like I don’t know, defense or intelligence to give it a big boost And two or three pets and then having to gather a lot more
to a high rookie system, I think that when adventure mode comes out, we should be able to like assign pets to different army tears for example like we get assigned generals that command other pets and like then like lieutenants and sergeants think commanders, then like the normal soldier like we can select one of those tears and use our pets even outside of adventure mod
Next this has to do a Dungeons but suggestion three adding new Dungeons so I was thinking I was playing the game. You don’t make this game good dungeons more dungeons comparing dungeons to buildings. There’s a ton more buildings and I know a lot of people like the buildings and the buildings are very useful, but I feel like more. Dungeons is key to the game like open world dungeons maybe like a 10 x 10 grid or like you can gather and battle enemies like a mini adventure but without Like , all the stuff like all the different and stuff
feeding off of that in the Dungeons could be like great loot for their down like maybe at level 1500 there could be like scrolls of summon Krampus or Luke or whateverFeeding off of that in the Dungeons could be like great loot for their down like maybe at level 1500 there could be like scrolls of summon Krampus or Luke or there could be anything there could also be like the further down you go the more dangerous. It is likes lava pets, and rock walls for like cave systems.
Another thing for the dungeons could be the tribes like say a bird tribe. The birds could fly the other pets over say lava pit so it’s essential to think about what pets you want to bring down for certain levels to vary the pet. I think that this could make the game a lot better in terms of strategy.
Now I have a few Now I have a few questions and sorry if this is very long
One of the things I have a question is I’ve been seeing a lot about it but when’s adventure out? I’ve been so excited for it since June and I’m just like when is this gonna come out? I’m so excited and I just can’t wait for it and like any new like dungeons and stuff would be greatly appreciated Stuff now is bad. It’s great but like it’s just a little repetitive as I said before.
Then again I’m also wondering when the next update is coming out there’s been a lot of minor updates but I’m hearing a lot of good stuff about the next update and I really want to see what the tavern is about so can you give an update about that please
This is the last thing I promise but I think adding the bosses into the guide on the page is a good idea and also adding beats onto that because I’m always trying to figure out all the different types of beats and stuff and one more thing sorry about this, but I’ve just so much stuff I wanna say fishing and cooking. When will there be more levels for that? I think you saw another message thread about this but I just really wanna know when and also when will alchemy come out.
well thanks for everyone’s help and sorry this is so long again and thanks Milo for all of the hard eWell thanks for everyone’s help and sorry this is so long again and thanks Molero for all of the hard work you put into this


Reply by Iceball9000 on Nov. 1, 2024

And sorry called misspellings and when I said freaking, I didn’t mean to say that I use the dictating feature for talking into it and sometimes it gets it wrong. It’s annoying but something that blind people have to deal with if there’s any misspellings I’m sorry if it’s confusing let me know all right or reply to this

Reply by Anthony on Nov. 2, 2024

to be honest what makes the game fun for me? Is this actual simplicity, I mean all the things you are suggested there seems like it’s made for a more PC type of game you have to remember it’s only a browser game and an Alexa game. It’s just made really for casual playing I think I actually don’t find it boring but then again maybe I’m boring L0L.

Reply by Iceball9000 on Nov. 2, 2024

Well you could maybe like turn the stuff on and off and you never had to go into the dungeon. It’s just ideas to make players come back more.

Reply by Pets4Me on Nov. 2, 2024

I really like seeing how far I can go in the Endless Dungeon and Mines. I like collecting the loot and using it to strengthen equipment and pets, then I check the leaderboard to see where I'm at. But that's just me.

Reply by Digital Hokum Staff Replymalero on Nov. 3, 2024

I am reworking the gym to be similar to your pet training facility suggestion. You will be able to leave pets there similar to how you do now or you can hire a personal trainer to buy strength, intelligence, speed, and vitality.

I've worked a lot on the next update, and I hate to say it, but I don't really like what I've come up with. If anyone has played Farm RPG, the quests were kind of like their help needed system where you basically just have to collect a bunch of things and turn them in. Most of the time, the rewards were terrible and it felt bad to turn them in. The help needed stories were boring more often than not, so I just ended up skipping reading them and ultimately quit playing the game because I just didn't find the game all that fun since the help needed quests are one of the core game loops. That game is far more popular than Gacha Pets, though. So people must like them. But I have to make a game I enjoy working on and playing, or else I won't be as enthusiastic about working on it.

I also tried changing it to be more like Fallen London. I really like Fallen London, but it takes far too long to produce these quests. I could spend a week writing a few quests that people would complete in an hour.

So I've been working on minor updates while I try to figure out what to do with the next big update. If I stay with my original plan, which is just a bunch of turn in quests, I would probably just skip the story part of it and change it into a place you can go where different characters say they want an item and will give you a reward for it. That way people would have an infinite number of quests to complete and they wouldn't have to wait for me to write the next set of quests when they finish all that are currently available.

I don't know when adventure mode will be released. It's a huge project. A big part of me wants to just stop working on everything else and work on it for a year, but I think people would be pretty upset if there weren't any updates for that long. The story and questing in adventure mode would be a lot more immersive and exciting since they could send the player to explore new areas and talk to people outside of Norton. The biggest problem with adventure mode is that I hate exploring with cardinal directions on Alexa. The endless forest originally made you explore that way, but it was so painful on Alexa. That's why you can just say "yes" over and over now. Which is very boring, but in my opinion it's better. Adventure mode would take the game in a very different direction than it is now. Right now it's basically an idle interface game. But I have always dreamed of Gacha Pets being more than that, which is why I haven't given up on the idea.

I'll have to add the bosses to the guide. You can view the bosses similar to how you can view pets now if you know the boss ID numbers.

I didn't think fishing and crafting would be as popular as they have turned out to be. The fishing and farming update had the most new players stick around and play for a long time than any other update. I will definitely be expanding the crafting and gathering professions at some point.

Reply by Iceball9000 on Nov. 3, 2024

Thank you for the information. This makes me happy because I love this game, but sometimes I take a break for a while because there are a lot of open world games that I like like for example, the black sword I love to move around sometimes the bugs can be annoying, but a lot of people so maybe having an open world portion that’s not as big as adventure mode could work but this is your game so it’s really up to you. And I meant that a lot of people play the black sword and it’s a pretty popular game and I agree with you about far kind of so I understand what you mean by that

Reply by jeffery on Nov. 6, 2024

going back to the original post, I tried going into the endless dungeon, they told me I can’t enter the magic dungeon from this location. Although last time I checked, there is no place called a magic dungeon. is this something new? Or did it just miss hear what I said.

Reply by jeffery on Nov. 6, 2024

it also said something about not being able to enter the void gate or mission board or card shop, I haven’t heard of any of these.

Reply by Anthony on Nov. 6, 2024

it’s just miss hearing what you are saying just say enter the minds of descent or enter the endless dungeon

Reply by Iceball9000 on Nov. 6, 2024

I just thought of something it would be cool if there was a place like the tavern, but the players us we could post quests and we could sit the award for example
Five lunar cash, and one rusted lockbox Could be a quest
And the reward could be 500 bottles of experience, Persians of experience
But for the reward instead of potions, we could do pets equipment, of course potions elixir, and anything from the game I think It’ll be a cool way to do things and people could put competitions in there like first place could get 1 million Gacha coins and five Gacha eggs second place can get 500,000 Gacha coins and three Gacha eggs just a little competition and fun for the players
And just to let you know these examples were the first things I could come up with. They’re not things that if this was added to the game I do.

Reply by Anthony on Nov. 7, 2024

I think the developer has things like that in place, but because he’s working on his own it is taking awhile. He is constantly working on updating the game so I’m sure we will get all these things as for the eggs. I’m not too sure because I currently have 2500 eggs just sitting there where I don’t have to open them anymore because I have all the pets so maybe we could start selling them on the auction house for something

Reply by Iceball9000 on Nov. 7, 2024

Yeah I know I’ve been in this game for around four years and I know the developer is working hard and do you know any way that is very fast to level up I’ve asked this question before a while ago on the forum like maybe June but really I didn’t think you got many responses so Can you tell me if there’s any quick ways of leveling up besides the barracks?

Reply by Digital Hokum Staff Replymalero on Nov. 7, 2024

For trainer level or leveling a pet? Baked bream and auto mode or daycare levels pets pretty quickly. Higher levels in the dungeon and mines also grant more xp.

Reply by Iceball9000 on Nov. 7, 2024

Thanks for the advise I will try doing that

Reply by Iceball9000 on Nov. 8, 2024

Hello I was playing the game today and I was looking at my Kaze stats and I realize something that I don’t know so here are some things that I want to ask
One what are the tribes for? I know she will cause a part of the bird tribe but what do they do? Do they grant anything like status effects?
to this is my last question but how do I get my pets that’s up besides ancient Amber and the licks her

Reply by ronwash on Nov. 11, 2024

I think it would be kind of nice to have stronger bosses when we do the bounty contracts. I think throwing more challenges might make things more interesting.

Reply by jewel on Nov. 11, 2024

Traps are a good idea, and I think they could actually be implemented into the current dungeons.
When entering the endless dungeon and the mines of deccht, the game asks if you would like to enable audo battle mode. Wether you say yes or know, the game would then ask if you would like to enable traps and treasure mode.
In the endless mines when this is enabled, your pet could have a 5% chance to search through piles of rubble or find hidden cashes of rair items, such as powerful embers or a good amount of sulfur. The pet has a chance of finding items or unlocking the cash based on their base intelligence and level. However, there is also a 5% chance on each floor to encounter falling rocks, dealing 20% of the pets max health as earth dammage, with a chance to dodge based on the pets level and base speed. This would happen before or after a battle.
The same thing could happen in the endless dungeon. A pet could encounter noxious fumes or trigger a cleverly set poison trap, with a rezistance chance based on their vitality. Alternatively, they could discover locked chests and need to use strength to open them.
Sorry if I spelled half of that wrong. I love this game on the alexa and just thought it was a good idea.

Reply by Iceball9000 on Nov. 11, 2024

Those are all great ideas

Reply by jewel on Nov. 11, 2024


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