Suggested for this stamina suggestion

Posted by Taha on Oct. 7, 2022

@malero hi damina currently not useless so I recommend you if skills consume stamina its much better for example some skills use 3 stamina some skills is 5 it's depend how stray skill strong you have it I mean how strong skill you have it and also depend on skill level what about my Idea maybe if you have consume 15 or 20 or 30 camera I am in 15 and 30 stamina and what about my Idea reply


Reply by Digital Hokum Staff Replymalero on Oct. 7, 2022

Yeah, I think that's a better idea than making activities cost stamina. I'll play around with it and see how it feels. Thanks for the suggestion!

Reply by Neal on Oct. 8, 2022

Maybe we can get friendship stat so sometimes they survive on like 60 hp

Reply by ayumi on Oct. 8, 2022

On the topic of suggestions, I’ve got one, this may be useless but i want to see my pets fight amongst each other in an internal arena

I am thinking what youre thinking… IDK up to you

Reply by Taha on Oct. 8, 2022

Like comparing arena right

Reply by ayumi on Oct. 8, 2022

Yeah, selecting two of your pets and making them fight
But then again how is the system and would you select one of those pets to be you and the other as an NPC or you watch them or whatever, and as you know each pet has more than one skill
Well never mind, that’s dizzying to think about

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