the energy

Posted by jeffery on Sept. 9, 2024

I play on the Alexa, and the game said I have 40,000 energy. how does this new energy system work?

Is 40,000 a lot?

And how do you get more energy when you run out?


Reply by Pets4Me on Sept. 10, 2024

I was wondering the same thing. When I have a break from play the game for several hours, my energy meter goes up a bit. Other than that, I have no idea.

Reply by Anthony on Sept. 10, 2024

yeah I have no idea either, All I know is yesterday I autobattled my Grotesque and he got to level 2400, today he can't get past level 250, so maybe its something to do with the energy, I can't find out how things work as no help files are available.

Reply by jeffery on Sept. 10, 2024

it says my energy is now at 48,930, it is the next recharge is in 20 minutes. Hasn’t gone up at all, do you need to level your pets up?

Reply by Pets4Me on Sept. 12, 2024

Today I found energy crystals so I bought one. Can only get one crystal each day. Other than using energy crystals, I don't know much beyond we've already discussed here, sorry. I agree though, a help file would be really good for future reference.

Reply by jeffery on Sept. 12, 2024

where did you get the energy crystals from?

Reply by Jennifer on Sept. 12, 2024

If you have cooking, fishing, or farming tokens they are used to buy the energy crystals. Just say use cooking token, for example, and you are taken to the cooking guild. You can get 1 energy crystal per day for 250,000 and two of the tokens. If you get the supporter tokens for premium you can also use those to get the energy crystals and you can get 10 energy crystals a day for 5 supporter tokens each.

Reply by Pets4Me on Sept. 12, 2024

I didn't know about the supporter tokens for getting energy crystals. Wow, this game is getting better and better! Despite several glitches, I'm happy to keep playing it!

Reply by Jennifer on Sept. 12, 2024

I also found out that we can use our mark of the hunter currency to buy an energy crystal. It takes 20 mark of the hunter and 250,000 coins.

Reply by Anthony on Sept. 14, 2024

please can somebody explain how the energy exactly works though, what I mean by that is if you have a pet that say goes from 0 to dungeon level 1000 does that take 1000 energy, also how long does it take for the energy to recharge I don’t even know where to check to see how much energy I have.

Reply by Digital Hokum Staff Replymalero on Sept. 14, 2024

On the browser, each floor is 5 energy, on Alexa each floor is 10 energy. You get double coins, experience and drops on Alexa. Alexa auto mode and playing manually is slower than the browser, so that’s why there’s a difference. Every 20 minutes, you have 10% of your max energy restored. And you get 100% of your energy restored on your daily login after 7PM UTC. The daily login can put you above your maximum energy while the energy you have restored every 20 minutes cannot put you above your max. Every time you level up, you also recharge 100% of your max energy and that can go above your max. Energy crystals also ignore your max energy and can go over.

Your max energy is 1,000 and you get 10 maximum energy for every trainer level. So a level 100 trainer has a maximum energy of 2,000. Your maximum is doubled with Gacha Premium.

How it works under the hood is that you have 2 energy pools, energy pool and energy overflow pool. The energy pool can never go above your max. There is no max to the energy overflow pool. The only thing that fills up the energy pool is the 20 minute energy recharge. Crystals, daily logins and trainer level up all go to the overflow. Energy is first taken from the energy pool and once that is depleted, it starts taking energy from the overflow.

You can get Energy Crystals from completing contracts and using the currency you get as a reward at the corresponding vendor. You can buy one from each vendor every day. There will be more contract types added in the future.

Reply by Pets4Me on Sept. 14, 2024

Thanks for explaining this. I hope more stuff can be added to the Summoning Shrine boss lockboxes too.

Reply by Jared on Sept. 14, 2024

is that why it said I got 3900 and something energy for recharge. But yesterday, it did not give me any recharge. It says I have 2800 energy. I am on level 96. I've been on 96 for a while. But when I play, it seems to not use a whole lot, so I don't quite understand how all of that works. But I did read Matt's response and that does make sense. Will study it again.

Reply by Anthony on Sept. 15, 2024

so how do I check how much energy I have remaining on the Alexa device and on the browser? I can’t find it anywhere to see how much energy I have.

Reply by jeffery on Sept. 15, 2024

I don’t play on the browser, but you can say “how much energy do I have“And it should respond

Reply by Jennifer on Sept. 15, 2024

To check your energy on the browser version you can go to the edit field near the bottom of the page and type How much energy do I have? Since I use a keyboard instead of a touch screen I then press enter and escape to get out of the edit field and read what it says on the activity log.

Reply by Jared on Sept. 15, 2024

I tried asking the device how much energy I have, and it tells me about blueberries. But at the top of the screen, next to your level, it'll show you how much energy you have. Currently it shows I have 3900 and something. I don't remember exactly how much, but it gave me another bunch of it. Again, when I asked the device how much energy I had, it didn't tell me that, it was telling me about blueberries.

Reply by Jared on Sept. 15, 2024

I'm sorry, it shows I have 2973. But my last message should be of help too.

Reply by Zoey on Sept. 17, 2024

It also says to not eat the crystals but I can't figure out how to tie them to a string like it says. Are we just supposed to eat them? and how often?

Reply by Jared on Sept. 17, 2024

I've never seen these crystals, I'd be curious where they are. Right now it shows that I have 3173 energy, so it must be recharging me somehow. I'm not still quite understanding this.

Reply by Anthony on Sept. 18, 2024

I really don't know why we can't have just 1 energy pool and once it runs out use a crystal, I think its the overflow thing that is confusing everybody, even though Malero explained it I still don't get the overflow part vecause I have not seen the main energy pool go down to 0 yet.

Reply by Jennifer on Sept. 18, 2024

I was going to stop answering people's questions because I sometimes get the answers a little wrong if I'm not paying attention to what I'm doing. However, I decided to answer questions here.

For Jared. Sometimes if I don't ask the question completely I will be told I can't make a food item or it has told me about blueberries. To find out your energy ask, How much energy do I have? As a side note if you want to find out your trainer level and how far you are from the next level ask, What is my trainer level? Shortening these questions to things like "my energy" or "my trainer level" don't work.
For the energy crystals: If you have cooking, fishing, or farming tokens you get after doing one of these contracts they are used to buy the energy crystals. Just say use cooking token, for example, and you are taken to the cooking guild. You can get 1 energy crystal per day for 250,000 coins and two of the tokens. If you get the supporter tokens for premium you can also use those to get the energy crystals and you can get 10 energy crystals a day for 5 supporter tokens each.

For Zoey. To use the energy crystals you would most likely just say, use energy crystals. I would use them if I saw that my energy was getting real low but you can use them anytime. When you use an energy crystal that energy goes into the overflow energy pool. I probably won't need to buy energy crystals because I haven't used up the energy from the main energy pool that the 20% energy recharge goes into.

Reply by Jared on Sept. 18, 2024

I found the Krystal at the shop for supporters. I went ahead and bought one, just to have. Maybe I'll check it out one of these days. It did say to tie it on a string, but I don't even see string on my inventory. I'm confused though, how did I go from 2500 Summit energy to 3100 some energy, that's what I don't understand. It seems to be recharging me to whatever it wanted to recharge me to at that particular time. Ever since my podcast ended, and I was awake enough, I decided, go ahead and put Santa paws in the dungeon and let him go get me some loot. I did play with the dungeon map, just to see how that worked, and it stayed for several hours. So I'm taking advantage trying to get me some loot at the moment.

Reply by Pets4Me on Sept. 18, 2024

The dungeon map works by bringing your pet several hundred levels up so that you can take it back down again. The actual dungeon is endless, but let's say it gets knocked out at level 1300 as an example, you use a dungeon map and it can take you back a couple of hundred levels and then you replay those dungeon levels again. then you use elixirs which you access through the item section on the browser, or if you're using Alexa, you say list elixirs, then it will tell you what elixirs you've got. you can then give your pet certain elixirs for strength, speed, intelligence, defence, and vitality. That way you can make your pet last longer and longer and longer in the endless dungeon.
I have no idea what this thing is about tying energy crystals to a string. I'm using the browser version and I've never red such information. maybe it's part of a new feature that will be coming out or something?

Reply by Jared on Sept. 19, 2024

It's part of the description that you see when you go to purchase it.

Reply by Jared on Sept. 19, 2024

And I have had not good understanding about some of the game like the different alixers as I have not used them much, but reading here makes me rethink what I need to do. We’re all learning. that's the beauty of things.

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