Question about bounty pets
Posted by willla on March 1, 2024Hello.
I have a question about the bounty pets.
How come they have so much HP and I lost? For example, I took my evolved Chica, along with my battery, along with a Mail sabre that was level 102.
And I noticed that one time, it had over 1.1 million HP.
I forget which pet it was.
Who is either in a gun, zeros, or an ethos. Remind Sorry.
Also, I was fighting the boss and the Browns inversion, the Krampus or whatever it is, the thing that is level 9001, all three of my pets died, but now I am stuck.
How do I get back to town from the summoning shrine in the browser version? also, by the way the pets were level 64, 37, and 25.
Actually, I forget what they were called.
Maybe you can check.
Also, what is the best way to defeat that boss in the browser version? Because I do not have any about pets currently. I meant to say evolved pet. do you think I should level up my pets to 250 right away? Because if I do, that would be a lot of pet grinding. I need some other advice on using the pets to defeat the boss that is level 9001.
Is there any other suggestions? Also, is there any other bosses? Or is the Krampus boss the only one. but anyways, it won’t let me go back to town because I am stuck in the game over screen because all three of my pets died in the browser version.
Close your browser and reopen it. That seems to be the only way to get out of that mode for now. It takes lots of us to beat that boss, it's not just one person. Find pets that can heal or taunt, I think I've made up my mind on cackle, which can tell a bad joke, And either my Uni or one of the other ones. I forget the name of it, but I'm also working on Corvis, which is a new one. But I have a male and female of one of them that I have pretty high levels that can also do some healing or other things.
I do remember the other one, its name is bumble. So I take both genders of that one and my mail cackle who II do remember the other one, it's name is bumble. So I take both genders of that one and my mail cackle, who I just leveled their skills to 10, and that seems to do the trick. But a bunch of us have to do a bunch of damage to that character as described above. Otherwise he'll kill you all off and you'll be stuck in that mode as you asked. Again, the only way to get out of it is to close the browser and reopen it. Then the game should return you back to the main menu.
There is a bug right now that sometimes doesn't take you out of the summoning shrine after the fight ends.
There are a lot of people having problems surviving the fight. I'm working on a short quest line that will give players a tank pet and tank equipment. After completing the quest line, it should be much easier to survive the fight. This fight also has some weird mechanics. Every 3 turns, Krampus will use a skill called Punisher of Misdeeds and it will hit all pets that haven't received respect of Krampus. Each pet needs to earn the respect of Krampus by either: Taunting Krampus, healing another pet in the party, or giving a buff to a another pet in the party.
There are a few pets currently that come with a taunt skill.
* Anglish has Lure
* Terra has Call of Terra
* Cackle has Bad Joke
Healing pets:
* Emo
* Uni
* Bumble
* Scorchy
Buffing pets:
* Owlkin
* Bumble
* Voltara
* Punk
* Noel
You can make any pet into a healer or a taunter by giving them:
* Glyph of Healing Light
* Glyph of Provoke from the Bounty Hunters Guild
There are equipment that you can use to apply buffs to other pets:
* Ancient Rune at refine level 15+
* Batula Wing at refine level 15+
* Giant's Toe at refine level 15+
* Mask of Ritual at refine level 15+
I'm hoping to get the new quest line out next week along with some new equipment that people will be able to get out of Amber that will help out with the fight as well.
I have ancient room on one of my pets, I think it's Fera, but I don't remember for sure. But this is one list that I definitely would love to keep. I'm gonna have to get on the computer for this one, cause I don't think I'm receiving this by email. I was right with cackle, bumble, Uni, and Alkin.
There's something else I forgot to mention. Cackle gets killed off within the first hit. He hits for 96,000, or I thought you said that he supposed to only hit for 66% of the damage. I think that happens every time, whether you use the bad joke first or you get this guy laughing. I thought I would mention it since you've been working on this.
Thank you. also, what other multiplayer bus pets are there? boss.
I forgot to mention ancient gifts. You can build some defense on your pets by taking them to the Barracks and giving them Gift of Ice to increase their defense and Gift of Shadow to increase their resistance.
Defense reduces damage by a flat value and resistances reduce them by a percentage. I set up Torta as my tank. I gave it Glyph of Provoke and Glyph of Ice Fortress. Then in the barracks, I maxed out my Gift of Shadow first and then the rest into Gift of Ice. Resistance can only go up to 75%. I use Guardian Pendant to dish out a little more damage when I taunt with Torta. Shadow Lotus is also a good choice for a tank since the Shadow element cuts all elements except Light in half. You have to have Shadow Lotus refined to 40+ to have your Provoke in the third slot guaranteed to be activated, though. Very few players have it refined that high. My Torta takes a tiny sliver of damage from Krampus after all of that.
There will be much harder bosses in the future that will require that much investment into defenses.
I gave some of my pets, the light one which is supposed to give you healing, but I don't even know if it works. I think I gave it three or four, but you would have to look at my account to see what I've done. Could that help too?
Which pets are the best for dealing damage? I understand why torta would make a good tank, but what would deal the most damage at level 250 using any combination of equipment and ancient gifts.
Yeah, it looks like you gave your Torta and Terra Gift of Light. The increased healing attribute benefits healers the most, but it will also increase healing from any food, potion, or equipment healing effects.
So is that a good thing? I also gave my male cobra some of the shadow as you suggested, as well as the ice. But I don't know what the maximum is. What's the maximum level for these types of things? I know we can only give 26 total.
Now, for those gifts that you mentioned, do you need ancient coins for those? And how many? and also, it would take me a very very very long time to refine any equipment when I’m in the mines, but also, I have a suggestion.
Maybe, we should add a point where the daycare staff can take your pets to the minds, endless forest, or the dungeon.
I think that would be a lot easier, and also, the daycare staff can refine your equipment for you.
I noticed that you can apply more than 75% resistance when you use the gift of shadow. Which is better, defense, or resistance?
You need the ancient coin and you need one per gift that you want to apply.
So about the ancient coins, I somehow have 300 from lockboxes. I don't know if they should be giving that much I don't know. But the barracks helps a lot for my pets. Especially defense.
The bounty contract bosses are made to be hard because it takes your first three strongest pets to defeat it the higher level, your strongest pets have the more health the boss will have, but you can also gain a lot of coins that way
I took bumble, cackle, and tin. Since Tran has briar thorns, I moved it to level 10, use the bad joke, and bumbles second skill for the ice prism, and Krampus said: "I must have the wrong list!" I thought that was the best thing ever, I played via the device instead of the browser. Make sure you take Tran, you raise those skills to level 10. That's another one you can use.
Ahh yes, I forgot about Treekin. It’s one of my favorites, so I’m not sure how it slipped my mind. Briar Thorns also increases defense and damage output by applying shock. So it’s a pretty good pick!
What is the ID number for that pet?? for the treating. I meant tricking TREECON
Say it in two words. Tree kin. That's how I get it to do it.
You can also search for it by saying "Search for treekin" and it should come up as an option.
I normally say tree like male tree or female tree, and it works
male sol also heals as well.