I think the experience is broken again

Posted by Anthony on Sept. 3, 2024

just reporting a low experience gained when using the Alexa device. Please can you let me know if this is how it’s supposed to be with the latest update also as I do not use discord is there any way of finding out how the game mechanic works with the new energy system I have no idea how energy works now in the game how to get it or improve it.


Reply by Digital Hokum Staff Replymalero on Sept. 3, 2024

Alexa auto battle is coming out soon. I had to adjust experience, gacha coins, egg and amber drops from bosses to make up for the huge increase in battles that will surely happen. The first play session with the numbers before could get you to level 30 if you left it going for a few hours. After going back to Alexa, the response was too long to read off 29 levels of rewards and it would cause the game to crash. It also felt a bit ridiculous to level that many times on your first play session. Leaving auto on for a few days resulted in hundreds of millions of gacha coins and not much to spend it on. I also got to trainer level 85 in a few days of testing, which is extremely fast compared to how long it takes you to get there by playing manually. Auto battle is a huge change for the game and I hope the changes I made won't upset too many people.

I think that the grinding is too mundane and that the game needed to have auto battle mode added. In the future I hope to add content that will be more fun to play manually and then you can turn on auto battle mode when you don't feel like playing manually. So it may take some time to get used to, but I think it's a great direction for the game in the long run. Idle games are a lot of fun!

Reply by Anthony on Sept. 3, 2024

so where does the new energy fit in?

Reply by Digital Hokum Staff Replymalero on Sept. 3, 2024

The energy system and auto modes were basically added because a growing number of people were playing very quickly and for long time periods. The game was balanced around people playing on Alexa and playing somewhat slowly. Auto mode on both Alexa and browser levels the playing field and makes the game more fair for everyone.

Reply by Anthony on Sept. 6, 2024

the only thing I worry about is the premium bonuses, it might affect other people wanting to buy premium because this kind of no point anymore, however I still want to pay for premium just to support the game while the game obviously is still enjoyable, it’s a real shame though because I actually like playing the game manually and it feels like people who also like me like to play the game manually I’ll be punished for the sad individuals like to keep their devices on 24 hours a day.

Reply by Digital Hokum Staff Replymalero on Sept. 6, 2024

Why do you think there's no point to having premium? It still doubles experience, coins, eggs and amber in auto battle mode and playing manually.

Reply by Anthony on Sept. 8, 2024

okay? Sorry let me clarify a bit better because I’ve been playing a few months the reason why I said there is no point to a premium bonus is because of this the difference between gaining an extra 10 K which is what happens now then gaining an extra 60 K is a huge difference to me as for the eggs and the Gacha coins well they are not consequential anymore because I have far too many eggs and coins as it is if the egg drops need to be curved there are far too many ways to get eggs and maybe it should only be stuck to the breeding because I always end up with tons of eggs and no new pets to hatch anyway or even leading the awakening chips to awaken the pets but like I said this probably only affects players like myself just been playing a few months or longer new players to the game won’t even notice it and probably think it’s all good anyway but the balance of the rewards definitely needs to be looked at because I honestly believe the egg drop is far too much along with the Gacha coins all the other stuff though seems to be in sync like the embers et cetera f

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