Premium Days

Posted by Jennifer on July 18, 2024

I was wondering if there will ever be a way we can find out how many premium days we have left. Also I was wondering when we get the free premium days from ranking high in the arena do those days get attached to the days we already have or do they get piled on top of each other? Let me explain a little better. On Tuesday I ranked first in the arena and got my 3 premium days. Do those 3 days start after the premium days I already have run out or do they cancel out the days I already have and start the next day? Yesterday I also ranked first in the arena and got my 3 free premium days so again will those 3 days start after the days I already have get used up? It would be nice if there was a way I could find out how many premium days I had. When I have premium days from the arena I try not to do to much fighting in the arena for a couple of days so that someone else has a chance to get the top spots so they can enjoy getting double eggs and amber.


Reply by Digital Hokum Staff Replymalero on July 18, 2024

On the browser, you can type “how many premium days” in the command input. I still need to figure out how to get that command to work on Alexa. Also need to add it to the UI somewhere.

For some reason I thought the arena gave eggs as a reward if you already had premium. Or maybe that’s just on Alexa, I’ll have to check. If it is giving you more days, they get added on to what you already have.

Also, I think the Arena actually grants one more day than advertised so if someone logs in half way during the day will still get the next day as well.

Reply by Jennifer on July 18, 2024

Thanks I'll have to try typing it in. The arena on the browser doesn't give eggs. Also the list of rewards for premium days is a little incorrect. It says for rank 1 you get 1000 coins with the 3 premium days. I usually only get around 95000 which is no big deal. Also it says for rank 4 you get coins but no premium days. We are getting 1 day if we rank 4. I don't mind not getting eggs from the areana because we get them from the dungeon and holiday lockboxes.

Reply by Jennifer on July 18, 2024

Is there any command I can type in to get the information on my level? Right now I'm level 99 but I like to check and see how many more experience points I need to get to level 100. I tried on Alexa but it doesn't give it like it used to.

Reply by Jennifer on July 18, 2024

I just reread your reply. Maybe the arena gives eggs for the top ranks if you are paying for premium. The premium days I have had came from ranking between 1-4.

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