Want to ask about skills

Posted by Makenna2169 on Sept. 20, 2022

So I got a gliph of sunspot, and gave it to my female squirt. I wanted to know if there could be an update that if you teach a pet a skill, it could be your primary skill or not. I noticed that sunspot is more powerful than focused squirt.


Reply by Digital Hokum Staff Replymalero on Sept. 21, 2022

Yes, there will need to be a way to reorder skills. It's on my list of things to implement.

Reply by ayumi on Sept. 21, 2022

Yeah… While you do that, can you please consider adding raid settings page in which you choose which Skill each pet uses for raid battles?

Reply by Taha on Sept. 21, 2022

Also if possible to vacancy also rid battle we did and also why got a Titan attacking the down what's the story of the and yeah I am thinking about gajhat i10 how to defeat this item

Reply by ayumi on Sept. 21, 2022

Hang on, let me decipher that
Also if possible you can see The raid battle also why is Gacha titan attacking the Town what’s the story of that
And yeah I’m also thinking about Gacha titan how to defeat this titan

Hopefully I got it right

Reply by Taha on Sept. 21, 2022

Yes you got it right

Reply by CommanderTheBarbarian on Sept. 22, 2022

I want a story behind the titan as well. Why is a gacha titan attacking town?

Reply by Digital Hokum Staff Replymalero on Sept. 23, 2022

The story behind the titans attacking towns will be a big part of adventure mode.

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