question about the daycare

Posted by jeffery on April 25, 2024

hello, I have a question about the daycare, I send my pets to the daycare all the time however they always run out of stamina very quickly, what do I do about this? I know to give them stamina potions but they only tend to last for about two hours, I have a life and I can’t be checking on it every two hours and adding more stamina potions. And what happens if you add food to the stool


Reply by Digital Hokum Staff Replymalero on April 26, 2024

Being a premium subscriber doubles the amount of items you can leave in daycare stalls. There will be a way to buy additional stall item slots in the future. I'm also planning on making a better stamina potion that you will be able to craft at the Apothecary. I'm also planning on adding a little bit of stamina to food items.

Reply by jeffery on April 26, 2024

I will try that then

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