I have a problem with my inventory

Posted by CommanderTheBarbarian on Sept. 18, 2022

When I tried to list what I had, it told me that I had a lot of items and gave me a list of groupings for the items. I tried to list my elixirs, but it just asked me what I wanted to do next. The same thing happened when I tried to list my potions, but when I listed my ingredients, it listed all the food I got from the marketplace bug. Last time I checked I had 135 stamina potions, some health potions, and an ilixir of vitality. Do you know how to fix this?


Reply by Digital Hokum Staff Replymalero on Sept. 18, 2022

Try it now. Sorry about that.

Reply by Red on Sept. 19, 2022

Where do you buy food for your pets at? I see that the person who made this poste said from the market. However, when the market was up there I tried to send my pets there, but it would not allow me to do so.

Reply by Taha on Sept. 20, 2022

Master sadelar you also see his a burg so there is no market place currently it's a bug he says at there is no but anymore I think

Reply by Red on Sept. 20, 2022

Aw, I see gthanks

Reply by CommanderTheBarbarian on Sept. 20, 2022

It still won't let me list my potions or ilixirs.

Reply by ayumi on Sept. 20, 2022

Will let you list your items as a whole

Reply by CommanderTheBarbarian on Sept. 22, 2022

Now it's back to just list items. It's going to be a long list every time I list items, but at least I can tell what I have again.

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