Mythical pet evolution
Posted by willla on Dec. 27, 2023I just have one question.
Do you think you could add some evolutions for the mythical pets? also, I know this is different, but what if we could also increase the max level of the pets by one? Like they would be level 251? Instead of 250? I know it wouldn’t be much, and I know some people like the level cap as high as it already is right now, but I was just thinking we could also increase it by 1%.
Make all the pets max level will be level 251. also, I gave my female Causey a glimpse of sunspot in the echo version, but somehow it doesn’t understand when I say it because it wants to shut the school off, instead of let me continue using it.
And I tried seeing it slower but it still doesn’t understand. I gave it a glyph of sunspot. and I meant to say school. skill.
There are several things my Alexa doesn't understand when I say them like tusk of tuska so I find other ways of saying it. Batula wing is another one. When I was trying to find out what the sunspot did and couldn't get it to understand me a friend told me to say sun of spot and it seemed to work. I have another friend who goes to the gacha pets website and uses her game on the web to do what she can't do on her echo.
Thank you.
Evolutions for higher rarities will be unlocked at a later stage. The current plan is to have game difficulties and each difficulty will drop higher tier/pet rarity brands. Maybe 3 difficulties, Normal will be common pet brands, the second difficulty would be uncommon and rare, last difficulty would be legendary and mythic. That plan may change, but probably not by much.
Also, what about raising pet max level to 251? Also, I think there should also be a difficulty for that too.
Where I think you’re normal should be level 250, hard should be 300, and four and normal and or very hard should be level 500. I meant to say very hard should be level 500.
That is the pet level cap.
And then there should also be an extremely extremely hard it’ll go up to level 1000.