Posted by Headwig on Oct. 4, 2023What level does devy have to be to evolve it?
It has to be level 10, is has to have full mastery levels, you need to brand it with brand of lectry, and give it an orb of evolution to evolve it to your lectry
*not level 10, it has to be level 250, the highest level in the game
From level 9 skills to level 10 takes alot of orbs of mastery, just so you know.
Is 10 the max mastery?
im so angry. i just spent all of my money on orbs of mastery. i bought 110 orbs and i still have level 9 ignite on my female devvy. damn i want a refund
It takes alot of orbs and I would not buy orbs at the auction house. The endless dungeon gives out orbs now as well as shadow resin. The forest also gives out orbs and to get some coins, use bounty contracts. My female devvy and female chika took forever but they're absolutely worth it, especially the lectry.
Thanks for the advice! I will do that! good thing i have 62 bounty contracts xd
One thing I forgot, when you get an ethos, zeros or agon from the bounty contracts, use the highest level pets you can, like mythic. You'll usually get a high level one that will give over 1 million coins when defeated.
oh wow! I will do that! I got my female lectry yesterday! Thanks for all of the help!