a few ideas

Posted by jewel on Jan. 24, 2024

Hello. I don't know if any of this is possible, but me and one of my blind friends were talking about the game earlier. My friend thought it would be cool if for each day when you go to play the puzzle, there were a few catagorys you could choose from. For example, if you chose the food catigory you would have to guess a word that was a food. He also thought it would be cool if you could change the voice on the game.
I also thought that maybe you could get like 3 coins for completing a puzzle, and that you should be able to use coins to create your own puzzle somehow. Sorry, I know that's a lot.


Reply by Digital Hokum Staff Replymalero on Jan. 25, 2024

Picking a category sounds fun and a bit easier than the current version. I'm curious how long it would take to solve a puzzle if you knew the category. I guess I could try it out for a little while by stating the category for the daily puzzle. I'm guessing you probably wouldn't have to use as many hints.

Adding the ability to change the voice wouldn't take too long. Getting coins as a reward isn't a bad idea. Subscribers could get double. I want add more game/puzzle types to Can of Words at some point and have a way to spend coins in each one.

Creating your own puzzle would take a long time. Especially if you were doing it manually. Right now it takes my computer about 2 hours to generate one puzzle.

I've got a lot on my plate right now, so I'm not sure when I'd be able to work on any of these ideas. But hopefully soon. I really like Can of Words and I feel like it has quite a bit of potential. I think a few tweaks here and there could make a big difference.

Reply by jewel on Jan. 25, 2024

Ok that makes sense. For the creating puzzle thing, I was kind of thinking you could pick the word you want people to guess, then you could pick the top 3 to 25 words. After that, the ai would generate the next 9975 words, so that any word that's there would be a little closer to the actual wanted word, but that does sound like it would take a long time.

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